Posts in GBVH
ILO Convention 190: Violence and Harassment (2019)

The General Conference of the International Labour Organization,

Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International Labour Office, and having met in its 108th (Centenary) Session on 10 June 2019, and

Recalling that the Declaration of Philadelphia affirms that all human beings, irrespective of race, creed or sex, have the right to pursue both their material well-being and their spiritual development in conditions of freedom and dignity, of economic security and equal opportunity, and…

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GBVHResearch Assistant
Global Labor Justice: Gender Justice on Garment Global Supply Chains, An Agenda to Transform Fast Fashion

Adding to its cache of sustainability-focused projects, The North Face will launch a new initiative this week with the aim of protecting the Himalayas. The brand will expand on its Bottle Source collection, which pulls post-consumer plastic waste from protected park lands, with a special project benefiting the mountain range that spans India, Nepal, China and Bhutan…

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GBVHResearch Assistant